Right internal iliac artery embolization
Courtesy of Dr. Abhishek Kumar I Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
60-year-old man presented to a trauma center s/p two story fall. CT abdomen and pelvis revealed a complex right pelvic fracture with extraperitoneal hemorrhage and active extravasation (circle). Patient was started on a massive transfusion protocol and transferred to Interventional Radiology.
Intervention used
Left radial artery access was obtained and a 5 F sheath was placed. A 4 F angled catheter was used to select the right internal iliac artery. Angiography revealed active extravasation from a branch of the lateral sacral artery (red arrow). A 2.8 F microcatheter and 0.014” wire were used to catheterize the bleeding vessel. Embolization was performed with 0.2 cc of Obsidio Embolic using standard technique (purple arrow). Completion angiography from the internal iliac artery showed no further contrast extravasation.
The patient was transferred to SICU in stable condition and discharged from the hospital 7 days post procedure.
Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.