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Healthcare Professionals / GastroenterologyEducation, Training & Support / Device Tutorials / Pancreaticobiliary Stricture Management

Pancreaticobiliary Stricture Management Device Tutorials

Advanix™ Pancreatic Stent Device Placement - Long Wire Users Only

This video tutorial provides detailed instructions for placing and deploying the Advanix Pancreatic Stent. For Long Wire Users Only. 

Advanix™ Pancreatic Stent Device Placement - RX Users Only

This video tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for placing and deploying the Advanix Pancreatic Stent. For RX Users Only. 

Advanix™ Pancreatic Stent: Set-up and Use Tutorial for RX Users

This video provides step-by-step instructions for preparing the Advanix Pancreatic Stent.

Advanix™ Pancreatic Kit Components

This video provides an overview of the components of the Advanix Pancreatic Kit. 

Advanix™ Pancreatic Stent Components

This video provides an overview of the components of the Advanix™ Pancreatic Stent and NaviFlex™ RX Pancreatic Delivery System, NaviFlex RX Pancreatic Pusher, NaviFlex Pancreatic Pusher. 

Epic™ Biliary Endoscopic Stent System Device Tutorial

This video provides a step-by-step tutorial on the set up and deployment of the Epic Biliary Stent System. This laser cut stent has a low profile tip to help with placement across tighter strictures and is compatible with both standard ERCP duodenoscopes and balloon enteroscopy-assisted ERCP scopes.

NaviFlex™ RX Delivery System Device Placement

This video tutorial provides detailed instructions for placing the NaviFlex RX Delivery System when using the Advanix™ Pancreatic Stent. 

WallFlex™ Biliary RX Stent In-service, by Thomas Kowalski, MD 

Dr. Kowalski provides a step-by-step demonstration of set-up and deployment of a WallFlex Biliary RX Stent. Warning: The safety and effectiveness of biliary metal stents for use in the vascular system has not been established. 
