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Bile duct imaging - ERCP techniques and visuals

ERCP cholangioscopy image reference guide

The intent of this reference guide is to help familiarize physicians with the appearance of biliary findings. Images of bile, cystic and hepatic ducts are presented to illustrate and familiarize the user with the appearance of a healthy, normal ducts and to contrast with the appearance of the biliary tree in a variety of pathologic states. Images featuring various types of benign and malignant conditions are represented in this guide, including strictures, villous lesions, stone disease, select SpyGlass accessories in action, and more.

Normal ducts

Clinical image of normal vascular patterns. Normal vascular patterns (SpyScope™ DS II)
Clinical image of common hepatic duct. Common hepatic duct (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of cystic duct take-off. Cystic duct take-off (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of cystic duct take-off. Cystic duct take-off (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of Intrahepatic ducts. Intrahepatic ducts (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of intrahepatics. Intrahepatic ducts (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of shallow decompressions. Shallow decompressions (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of shallow decompressions. Shallow decompressions (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of Normal villous pattern (DS I). Normal villous pattern (SpyScope™ DS)
Clinical image of Normal common bile duct (DS I). Normal common bile duct (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Normal cystic duct common bile duct junction (DS I). Normal cystic duct common bile duct junction (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Normal common hepatic duct (DS I). Normal common hepatic duct (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Normal deep left hepatic duct (DS I). Normal deep left hepatic duct (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Normal deep right heptic duct (DS I). Normal deep right heptic duct (SpyScope DS)

Stone disease

Clinical image of a stone on its own. Stone in common bile duct (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of electrohydraulic lithotripsy. Electrohydraulic lithotripsy probe (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of EHL in action. EHL in action (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of pancreatic duct stone. Pancreatic duct stone (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of EHL for pancreatic stone. Lithotripsy for pancreatic stone (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of stone basket. SpyGlass™ Retrieval Basket (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of SpyGlass Retrieval Basket for stone fragment. SpyGlass Retrieval Basket (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of stone fragment. SpyGlass Retreival Basket (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of cystic duct stone. Cystic duct stone (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of intrahepatic stone. Intrahepatic stone (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Homium laster lithotripsy (DS I). Homium laser lithotripsy (SpyScope DS)

Villous lesions

Clinical image of villiform formation. Villiform formation (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of villous lesion. Villous lesion (SpyScope DS II)

Malignant disease

Characteristics of a malignant stricture1:

  • Luminal narrowing
  • Nodularity
  • Exophytic vascular tissue
  • Increased vascularity
Clinical image of characteristics of a malignant stricture. Characteristics of a malignant stricture (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of cholangiocarcinoma extension. Asymmetric malignant appearance (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of SpyBite (DS II). SpyBite™ Max Biopsy Forceps (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of SpyBite 2 (DS II). SpyBite Max Biopsy Forceps (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of increased vascularity. Increased vascularity (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of villous lesion. Villous lesion (SpyScope DS II)

Filling defects

Clinical image of Filling defects showing surgical staples. Filling defects showing surgical staples (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Filling defects showing surgical staples II (DS I). Filling defects showing surgical staples II (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Desquamated epithelium (DS I). Desquamated epithelium (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Desquamated epithelium II (DS I). Desquamated epithelium II (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Stone debris (DS I). Stone debris (SpyScope DS)


Clinical image of normal pancreas. Normal pancreas (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of pancreatic duct. Pancreatic duct (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of chronic calcific pancreatitis. Chronic calcific pancreatitis (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of pancreatic duct biopsies. Pancreatic duct biopsies (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of IPMN mucin. IPMN* mucin (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of IPMN. IPMN* (SpyScope DS II)
Main duct IPMN* prominent villi with blood vessel (SpyScope DS II) Main duct IPMN* prominent villi with blood vessel (SpyScope DS II)
Clinical image of pancreatic duct and side branches. Pancreatic duct and side branches (SpyScope DS II)

Liver transplant

Clinical image of Biliary anastamosis four years (DS I). Biliary anastamosis four years (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Biliary anastamosis six months (DS I). Biliary anastamosis six months (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Biliary anastamosis 18 months intrahepatic stones (DS I). Biliary anastamosis 18 months intrahepatic stones (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Biliary anastamosis two years (DS I). Biliary anastamosis two years (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Native cystic duct biliary anastamosis four years (DS I). Native cystic duct biliary anastamosis four years (SpyScope DS)

Epithelial bridge

Clinical image of Epithelial bridge (DS I). Epithelial bridge (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Epithelial bridge (DS I). Epithelial bridge (SpyScope DS)

Portal vein thrombosis & cholangiopathy

Clinical image of Portal vein thrombosis and cholangiopathy (DS I). Portal vein thrombosis and cholangiopathy (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Portal vein thrombosis and cholangiopathy (DS I). Portal vein thrombosis and cholangiopathy (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Portal vein thrombosis and cholangiopathy (DS I). Portal vein thrombosis and cholangiopathy (SpyScope DS)
Clinical image of Portal vein thrombosis and cholangiopathy (DS I). Portal vein thrombosis and cholangiopathy (SpyScope DS)

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1. Kahaleh M, Gaidhane M, Shahid HM, et al. Digital single-operator cholangioscopy interobserver study using a new classification: the Mendoza Classification (with video). Gastrointest Endosc. 2022;95(2):319-326. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2021.08.015

Indications, Safety, and Warnings for SpyScope™ DS II

CAUTION: The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings, and instructions for use can be found in the product labelling supplied with each device or at Products shown for INFORMATION purposes only and may not be approved or for sale in certain countries. This material not intended for use in France.

Images provided courtesy of Dr. Isaac Raijman.

*Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm