Three racially diverse employees laugh together while walking down a hallway.

Policy and advocacy

Our political involvement

Boston Scientific participates in the advocacy process at the state and federal levels as well as globally to help shape public policy, legislation, and regulation that directly impact our business and the patients we serve. The Company's political involvement is an important strategy to ensure patient access to medical technology, promote innovation and build our business. The Governance Committee of our Board of Directors annually reviews political contributions made by the Company and the Boston Scientific Corporation Political Action Committee (Boston Scientific PAC). Boston Scientific is committed to the transparency of its political involvement.

Below are links to the Boston Scientific PAC contributions to federal officials, Boston Scientific’s corporate contributions to state officials, and a list of associations that engage in public policy advocacy to which Boston Scientific belongs.

Boston Scientific Corporation Political Action Committee

To promote the advancement of sound public policy, the Boston Scientific Corporation Political Action Committee (Boston Scientific PAC) facilitates voluntary political contributions by eligible employees and our Board of Directors, in accordance with federal law. The Boston Scientific PAC is run by a governing board of senior employees representing each of our primary businesses and functions.

Contributions to candidates are bipartisan and based on the following criteria: sits on a Congressional committee with jurisdiction over issues affecting our business; serves in elected leadership within the Congress or in a position to shape public policy; represents a district or state with a Boston Scientific facility; voting record is supportive of key issues affecting Boston Scientific; and the character and integrity of the candidate, including the candidate’s position on issues that may impair Boston Scientific’s corporate reputation or are contrary to Boston Scientific’s Values.

Boston Scientific PAC partners with the Company to support the election of candidates who understand the medical device industry and promote policies that will advance innovation and increase patient access to technologies.

Boston Scientific PAC Values Letter

2023 PAC Contributions

2022 PAC Contributions

2021 PAC Contributions

2020 PAC Contributions

2019 PAC Contributions

2018 PAC Contributions

2017 PAC Contributions

Corporate contributions to state officials and others

Trade association memberships and 501(c)(4) contributions

Boston Scientific is a member of U.S. trade associations that engage in public policy advocacy and promote U.S. business interests, the medical technology industry and patient access to health care. Additionally, from time to time, Boston Scientific may choose to contribute to 501(c)(4) organizations for the purpose of policy advocacy. Below is a link to the listing of the trade associations to which Boston Scientific pays dues of $50,000 or more per year and the percentage of our dues attributable to advocacy efforts, as well as the 501(c)(4) organizations to which Boston Scientific makes policy advocacy contributions:

2023 Trade Association Memberships

2022 Trade Association Memberships

2021 Trade Association Memberships

2020 Trade Association Memberships

2019 Trade Association Memberships

2018 Trade Association Memberships

2017 Trade Association Memberships