A smiling Boston Scientific volunteer holds two plants in front of the camera.

Healthier planet

We confront climate change and protect the environment to enable people to live healthier lives. 

Why it matters

When we take action to reduce our carbon footprint and invest in efforts to build a sustainable, resilient business, we bring value to our customers, patients, communities and planet.

Our priorities

2023 highlights


renewable electricity1,2


real estate independently certified for energy efficiency3


of solid, non-hazardous waste recycled1

1 Inclusive of all manufacturing and key distribution sites only.

2 Includes renewable electricity generated onsite and purchased electricity matched with electricity from renewable sources.

3 Percentage of all Boston Scientific real estate (including commercial, leased and owned) that is independently certified for energy efficiency by industry-leading bodies such as LEED for design and Energy Star or ISO 50001:2018 for building operations.

Stories of impact

Our path to net zero

In 2022, Boston Scientific was first in the Healthcare Equipment and Supplies sector to gain approval from Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for our target of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. We focus on making measurable, meaningful advances and will continue to report on our progress . Our SBTi-approved targets for net-zero GHG emissions encompass scopes 1, 2 and 3. Read more about our approach to emissions reduction.

A triangle graphic shows the progress from the beginning of the Boston Scientific climate journey in 2017 into the future.

Key environmental sustainability initiatives

Read more about how we’re contributing to a healthier planet