Media Outreach Tools

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Product Photography
Broll Procedural Video Footage
Biopsy of a stricture
File Type: WMV, 5.53 MB
Fragmenting a large stone in the common bile duct using holmium laser with the SpyGlass DS System
File Type: WMV, 31 MB
Direct visualization of normal ducts using the SpyGlass DS System
File Type: WMV, 3.3 MB
Direct visualization of a stricture in the right and left hepatic ducts diagnosed as cancer using the SpyGlass DS System
File Type: WMV, 6.4 MB
Procedural Images
Browse through the SpyGlass DS System procedural images below to use for media outreach. Once you find an image, 1) Select the link to open the image in a new window, 2) Right click, and 3) Select "Save As" to save it on your desktop.
Please contact us at if you would like additional images.
Additional Resources
Boston Scientific Multimedia Press Release
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) announces the first cases of the SpyGlass DS Direct Visualization System used for cholangioscopy and pancreatoscopy procedures. Built on the technology of the original SpyGlass System, the new SpyGlass DS System is designed to optimize procedural efficiency and productivity with improved ease of setup, ease of use and image quality.
Examples of Secured Coverage
SpyGlass DS System in the News
SpyGlass Helps Doctors Quickly Determine Medical Condition
Read how the SpyGlass DS System is helping doctors at Cabell Huntington Hospital diagnose and treat diseases and conditions in the bile duct, hepatic ducts and pancreas.
New technology gives doctors a clearer view of tiny ducts and passageways of digestive system
Read this article highlighting Dr. Schafer’s use of the SpyGlass DS System and how it is impacting patient lives.
Share Your Stories
Boston Scientific may be able to partner with your institution to help communicate patient stories and the ways in which the SpyGlass DS System is impacting patient lives.
Please contact us at to learn more.