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EXALT™ Model D Single-use Duodenoscope

EXALT™ Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope

Raise the standard of patient care with EXALT Model D, the world’s first single-use duodenoscope. Designed to provide the same high performance you expect from a reusable scope in a groundbreaking single-use form, EXALT Model D eliminates infection risk due to cross-contamination from ineffective reprocessing while also reducing associated operational cost for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures.

Reduce cross-contamination

Eliminate the risk of post-ERCP infection due to ineffective reprocessing with a new, sterile duodenoscope for every patient.

Model D may benefit at-risk patients

Learn more about HALC, four of the immunocompromised patient profiles you may encounter during an ERCP.

No reprocessing required

Streamline workflow and enhance efficiency by eliminating labor and cost-intensive reprocessing and repairs.

Installation & support

Take advantage of virtual installation and technical assistance plus comprehensive integration support.

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Clinical Data: Peer-reviewed trials

Review the data per peer-reviewed, published data and hear what leading physicians have to say about the results.
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Meeting the needs of ASGE complexity grades

See how the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope delivers robust stability, maneuverability and control in ERCP procedures.

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Built for performance

EXALT Model D offers the performance, control and maneuverability you need in a single-use platform.

Reduced infection risk

EXALT Model D helps reduce contamination and infection risk due to ineffective duodenoscope reprocessing.

Simple integration

Our team makes it easy to install and integrate EXALT Model D into your facilityand your practice

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Patient profiles that may benefit from a single-use duodenoscope

Understanding the risk factors that facilitate the transmission of infectious agents is important for preventing their spread and can also be used to identify those patients most vulnerable to infection.

This publication helps to better understand the factors that may impact a patient’s risk for infection during ERCP.

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Duodenoscope-Acquired Infections: Risk Factors to Consider

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With respect to patient infection and/or colonisation associated with ERCP procedures, there are two significant pathogen reservoirs, the patient and the duodenoscope.
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Segmenting ERCP patients by infection risk allows endoscopists to make more informed decisions about the risk-benefit ratio of using enhanced duodenoscope technology in the care of their patients.
Download patient risk factor overview

Dr. Alessandro Fugazza
When to use single-use duodenoscopes: three cases

Dr. Fugazza discusses indications where his hospital recommends using single-use duodenoscopes, and shares 3 cases.

Prof. J. Enrique Domínguez Muñoz
Key indications for single-use duodenoscopes

Prof. Dominguez Munoz of Spain talks about the key indications where the hospital checklist recommends using the single-use duodenoscope.

Prof. J. Enrique Domínguez Muñoz
Using the EXALT™ Model D single-use duodenoscope in altered anatomies

The EXALT™ Model D single-use duodenoscope in combination with the SpyGlass™ DS System in this case study of a patient with altered anatomy.

Prof. J. Enrique Domínguez Muñoz
One Spanish hospital’s experience using single-use duodenoscopes

Prof. Dominguez Munoz discusses the indications where single-use duodenoscopes are used most frequently at the University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela.


Education & Training with EDUCARE

Our easily accessible educational platform, EDUCARE, offers you a personalised suite to support your medical education requirements.

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CAUTION: The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings, and instructions for use can be found in the product labelling supplied with each device or at www.IFU-BSCI.com. Products shown for INFORMATION purposes only and may not be approved or for sale in certain countries. This material not intended for use in France.

A cost-effective alternative to reusable duodenoscopes

Find out how EXALT Model D can be an economically viable option for your facility

Physician perspectives

Dr. Kenneth Binmoeller
Duodenoscope costs

Dr. Kenneth Binmoeller discusses his thoughts on all costs involving duodenoscopes, including additional expenses and real-world costs associated with reusable scopes.

Dr. Kenneth Binmoeller is a paid consultant for Boston Scientific.

Professor Alessandro Repici
Duodenoscope costs: What is right for your hospital?

Professor Alessandro Repici talks about the hidden costs of reusable duodenoscopes and how to evaluate the cost of single-use scopes in your hospital.

Professor Allesandrao Repici is a paid consultant for Boston Scientific.

Operational costs

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Reducing duodenoscope infection risk

Despite adherence to rigorous disinfection and reprocessing protocols, multiple infection outbreaks worldwide have been linked to contaminated duodenoscopes used in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures. The EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope completely eliminates the risk of patient infection due to ineffective reprocessing.

Complex cleaning processes increase post-ERCP infection risk

From pre-cleaning to drying, there can be more than 100 distinct steps to reprocessing a reusable duodenoscope—all of which introduce the opportunity for patient cross-contamination. Only a disposable duodenoscope like EXALT Model D eliminates the risks of cross-contamination associated with ineffective reprocessing.

Single-use duodenoscope vs. single-use endcaps

New clinical endoscopy technologies such as single-use endcaps and single-use duodenoscopes are designed to help reduce the risk of cross-contamination due to ineffective reprocessing. However, only single-use or disposable duodenoscopes, like the EXALT Model D, completely reduce the post-ERCP infection risks as a result of cross-contamination due to ineffective reprocessing.

Benefit* Exalt Model D Single-Use Endcaps
Eliminates risk of patient infection due to ineffective reprocessing Yes No
Eliminates duodenoscope reprocessing training and compliance Yes No
Decreases waste from reprocessing such as disinfecting consumables Yes No
Enhances infection prevention efforts Yes Yes

*As compared to reusable duodenoscopes. Assumes full conversion of all ERCP procedures using reusable duodenoscopes to instead using the EXALT Model D Duodenoscope.

Find out how EXALT Model D may help reduce infection risk due to ineffective reprocessing and benefit your facility

Meta-analysis of reusable duodenoscope contamination1

A meta-analysis of 15 studies found that neither double high-level disinfection (HLD) nor ethylene oxide (EtO) gas sterilization eliminated the risk of contamination in reusable duodenoscopes that were considered patient ready.

15 Studies

13,112 Patient-ready duodenoscope

15.25% Contamination rate

Duodenoscope safety communications

The environment, equipment and guidelines that inform cleaning procedures are constantly changing, putting duodenoscope reprocessing into a state of transition.
In Europe, ESGE and ESGENA collaborated in 2019 to produce Position Statement on this topic, stressing that regardless of duodenoscope design, there are two crucial points:13

  • Standardized and validated duodenoscope reprocessing should be performed by appropriately trained, dedicated, and competent staff;
  • Microbiological surveillance and regular maintenance of duodenoscopes should be performed to identify any problems at an early stage.

In the United States, FDA recommended in 2019 to transition to duodenoscopes with innovative designs that range from disposable endcaps to fully disposable duodenoscopes.1

Physician perspectives

Dr. Kenneth Binmoeller
Going Disposable

Dr. Binmoeller discusses points for adopting single-use duodenoscope technology.

Dr. Kenneth Binmoeller
FDA duodenoscope recommendations

Dr. Binmoeller talks about the FDA’s recommendation to transition to duodenoscopes with innovative designs in the United States that range from disposable endcaps to fully disposable duodenoscopes.

Dr. Kenneth Binmoeller
Only a single-use duodenoscope completely eliminates reprocessing

Dr. Binmoeller discusses clinical data on duodenoscope double-reprocessing and shares his perspective on the inherently complex and ineffective processes for disinfecting reusable duodenoscopes.

Professor Allesandrao Repici is a paid consultant for Boston Scientific.

FDA Mandated surveillance studies 2, 3, 4

Due to a growing concern over the post-ERCP infection risks with reusable scopes, the FDA mandated post-market surveillance studies to monitor the effectiveness of duodenoscope reprocessing.

High-concern organisms

5.0% (1 out of 20) of properly collected samples tested positive for high-concern organisms, which cause infectious diseases
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Low-concern organisms

4.4% of properly collected samples tested positive for enough low-concern organisms to indicate a reprocessing failure

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1. Larsen S, Russell RV, Ockert LK, Spanos S, Travis HS, Ehlers LH, Maerkedhal A, Rate and impact of duodenoscope contamination: A systematic review and meta-analysis, EClinicalMedicine, 2020 Jul 15;25:100451, doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100451. PMID: 32954234
2. Olympus 522 site: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfPMA/pss.cfm?t_id=354&c_id=3726
3. Fujinim 522 site: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfPMA/pss.cfm?t_id=353&c_id=3725
4. Pentax 522 site: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfPMA/pss.cfm?t_id=355&c_id=3727

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2021 All images owned by Boston Scientific.
CAUTION: The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings and instructions for use can be found in the product labelling supplied with each device. Information for use only in countries with applicable health authority registrations. Material not intended for use in France. Products shown for INFORMATION purposes only and may not be approved or for sale in certain countries. Please check availability with your local sales representative or customer service.
Dr. Binmoeller is a paid consultant of Boston Scientific.

Adopting the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope

From virtual installation and technical assistance to comprehensive integration support, we make it easy to install and integrate the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope into your practice.

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Integrating EXALT Model D with your current systems

Whether your facility is interested in full or partial adoption of EXALT Model D, our team of Customer Integration Coordinators helps ensure compatibility with major endoscope manufacturers, including SpyGlass™ DS II System, Endoscopic Ultrasound and most medical writing software.

Learn more about our comprehensive installation and integration services

Installation Support

Virtual installation support demonstration

Watch a Boston Scientific technician demonstrate how we can use virtual technology to install the EXALT Model D System. Due to ongoing COVID-19 precautions, we’re using merged reality to provide remote installation and technical assistance.

Watch the demo

Virtual installation program

Due to ongoing COVID-19 precautions, we’re using merged reality to provide remote installation and technical assistance. This innovative tool allows our remote support team to:

  • Assess customer sites to identify parts needed for EXALT Model D integration, when being physically onsite isn’t an option.
  • Instruct local technicians on equipment connection, testing and operation.
  • Conduct initial staff in-servicing immediately following installation.
  • Perform remote in-servicing for staff who were unavailable during time of installation.

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A new, sterile device for each patient, delivered to you with a familiar duodenoscope design and function that forgoes the need for reprocessing.

Model: Single-use Duodenoscope

Package Quantity: 1

  • EXALT™ Model D Single-use Duodenoscope
  • GTIN:08714729995746
  • Model:Single-use Duodenoscope
  • Package Quantity:1
Additional details

Instructions for Use

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Reach out to our technical team for more support.

Product Details

The EXALTTM Model D Duodenoscope is the world’s first single-use duodenoscope with CE Marking.

Lightweight, familiar design in a single-use platform

4-way bending capability at the distal tip with a range of motion comparable to reusable duodenoscopes that will not degrade over time.

The elevator is designed to deliver consistent performance and facilitate guidewire locking at the distal tip of the duodenoscope.

Designed to facilitate image capture and integrate with your endoscopic report writer.

Use with the EXALT Controller, designed to provide a reduced capital footprint during ERCP.

Compatible with Boston Scientific single-use endoscope accessories.

Technical specifications

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EXALT™ Model D Single-use Duodenoscope
Single-use Duodenoscope
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EXALT™ Model D Single-use Duodenoscope
Single-use Duodenoscope
Package Quantity
EXALT™ Controller
Controller - English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese
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EXALT™ Model D Controller
Controller - English, Danish, Greek, Portuguese-Brazil, Swedish, Hungarian, Czech, Polish, Norwegian, Korean, Turkish, Finnish, Romanian and Slovak
Package Quantity

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Proven with peer-reviewed, published clinical data

Substantial clinical data has been published for the EXALT™ Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope

EXALT Model D peer-reviewed, published data, includes one trial where patients were consecutively enrolled. Explore the data and get physician perspectives about high-risk patient selection.

Muthusamy VR, et al. | Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020

Clinical evaluation of a single-use duodenoscope for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

In a consecutive case series testing the feasibility, preliminary safety, and performance of a single-use duodenoscope, 60 ERCPs of all four ASGE complexity levels were completed across six sites in the United States for indications including pancreaticobiliary stone clearance, stent placement, exchange and/or removal and balloon dilation.1

100% of ERCP procedures were successfully performed
96.7% of ERCP procedures were completed with EXALT Model D alone and 3.3% with crossover to a reusable duodenoscope
The median overall physician satisfaction for the EXALT Model D Single-Use duodenoscope scope by physicians was 9 out of 10


“We decided to do a trial, even though it wasn’t mandated by the FDA which is fairly unprecedented. We wanted to reassure physicians that EXALT Model D was not going to compromise the quality of the procedure. We had expert clinicians, who know the nuances of the procedure, confirm that EXALT Model D performed as expected. The feedback we received from clinicians as part of this trial was invaluable.”

Dr. Brian Dunkin, Chief Medical Officer,
Boston Scientific Endoscopy

Connect with a Boston Scientific rep to get more clinical data for EXALT Model D.

EXALT Model D clinical trial evaluation

Dr. Kenneth Binmoeller discusses the clinical evaluation of the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope and how it helps support the readiness of the device for clinical use.


Bang JY, et al. | Gut 2020

Equivalent performance of single-use and reusable duodenoscopes in a randomised trial2

This randomised trial of 98 patients compared the performance of the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope with reusable duodenoscopes in patients undergoing ERCP.

  • Overall technical performance and safety profile were similar between the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope and reusable duodenoscopes.
  • 46 out of 48 patients were successfully cannulated using the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope.
  • Median number of attempts to achieve successful cannulation was significantly lower for the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope as compared to reusable duodenoscopes.

Read the full article

Napolean N, et al. | Digestive Endoscopy 2021

Evaluation of the performance of a single-use duodenoscope: Prospective multi-center study3

In a consecutive case series evaluating the feasibility, safety and performance of a single-use duodenoscope, 60 ERCPs of all four ASGE complexity levels were completed across six sites in France for indications including pancreaticobiliary stone clearance, stent placement and/or removal and balloon dilation.

  • 95% of ERCP procedures were completed with EXALT Model D alone. Three procedures required cross-over to a reusable duodenoscope and were also unsuccessful.
  • The median overall physician satisfaction for the EXALT Model D Single-Use duodenoscope scope by physicians was 9 out of 10.
  • Demonstrates EXALT Model D’s pre-market clinical trial results can be independently reproduced.

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EXALTTM Model D case studies

EXALT Model D is the world’s first single-use duodenoscope for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures to be used across all ASGE complexity grades. Watch the case footage below to see how EXALT Model D offers maneuverability, stability and control in a wide variety of ERCP procedures.

Dr. Quin Liu of Cedars Sinai Medical Center uses EXALT Model D to perform an ERCP with stent exchange for a patient with history of liver transplant and resulting ischemic strictures. Model D was selected due to the patient’s history of antibiotic resistant bacteremia. 

Dr. Jeremy Barber of Spectrum Health uses EXALT Model D in a patient with a history of unresectable pancreatic cancer presenting with cholangitis secondary to an obstructed biliary stent.

Want to learn more about how EXALT Model D performs on procedures across all ASGE complexity grades?

Case study library

Dr. Thaker Presents Case Footage using EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope

Dr. Adarsh Thaker, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, shares case footage of two ERCP procedures demonstrating the control and maneuverability of the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope. The first case shows scope passage into the duodenum of a patient in the prone position and the second case demonstrates how EXALT Model D maneuvers in difficult or angulated strictures.

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Minor papilla cannulation using single-use duodenoscope

Dr. Shyam Varadarajulu of Orlando Hospital uses EXALT Model D to cannulate the dorsal pancreatic duct and places a stent to treat a 63-year-old female patient with recurrent acute pancreatitis.

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Single-operator cholangioscopy-guided biopsies using single-use duodenoscope

Dr. Shyam Varadarajulu uses EXALT Model D and the SpyGlass™ DS Direct Visualization System during an ERCP procedure on a 48-year-old woman to diagnose cholangiocarcinoma in a biliary stricture.

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Case usage of EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope

Dr. Adarsh Thaker, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, presents case footage demonstrating scope passage into the duodenum of a patient in the prone position. EXALT Model D is then used on a second patient with multi-focal biliary obstruction.

Watch case footage

Challenging bile duct cannulation

Dr. Shyam Varadarajulu presents case footage using EXALT Model D for a biliary stent replacement in an 85-year-old woman with cholangiocarcinoma and obstructive jaundice.

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Retained common bile duct stent and stone impaction

Dr. Frizzell shares the case of an ERCP procedure using the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope with SpyGlass™ DS Direct Visualization in an 86-year-old woman with a history of extended spectrum beta-lactamases Escherichia coli cholangitis due to a retained common bile duct (CBD) stent.

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Single-use duodenoscope in the management of an elderly patient with difficult bile duct stones: laser lithotripsy using a disposable cholangioscope

Video case report from Dr. Reddy et al. published in VideoGIE. In this ERCP procedure the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope was used with SpyGlass DS Direct Visualization in a 98-year-old man with difficult bile duct stones.

View the video case report

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