SpaceOAR Vue Hydrogel is the next-generation hydrogel spacer that offers enhanced visibility via CT scan, designed to help physicians improve contouring accuracy and consistently position patients receiving prostate cancer radiation, as compared to SpaceOAR™ Hydrogel.1
SpaceOAR Vue System is intended to temporarily position the anterior rectal wall away from the prostate during radiotherapy for prostate cancer and in creating this space it is the intent of SpaceOAR Vue System to reduce the radiation dose delivered to the anterior rectum.
SpaceOAR Hydrogel is an absorbable, injectable material that provides space between the rectum and prostate in patients undergoing radiation therapy for prostate cancer.
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Please note that the following pages are exclusively reserved for health care professionals in countries with applicable health authority product registrations. To the extent this site contains information, reference guides and databases intended for use by licensed medical professionals, such materials are not intended to offer professional medical advice. Prior to use, please consult device labeling for prescriptive information and operating instructions.