Minimize the risk of stroke during your TAVR procedure

Minimize the risk of stroke during your TAVR procedure

Cerebral embolic debris and the importance of Protected TAVRTM

If you have severe aortic stenosis, your heart team may recommend transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) to treat the condition. During the aortic valve replacement procedure, pieces of the calcified heart valve, or other debris, can break loose and travel through the arteries toward the brain. This material is called embolic debris. If left unaddressed, the debris could cause blockages, potentially leading to stroke.

To help protect patients from the risk of a stroke during TAVR, medical centers are beginning to offer Protected TAVR using the Cerebral Protection System (CPS).

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TAVR doctor discussion guide

Reduce Your Risk of Stroke with Cerebral Protection System

The Cerebral Protection System (CPS) is the device to offer you protection from the risk of stroke during TAVR. It works by capturing embolic debris dislodged during TAVR before it can reach the brain.

Clinical trials involving more than 3,500 patients have demonstrated that the device is safe and effective. The cerebral protection technology has been used to protect thousands of patients worldwide and is the most-studied embolic protection device in its field.

Reduce Your Risk of Stroke with Cerebral Protection System


embolic debris captured by the device
Talk with your doctor about cerebral embolic protection

This guide outlines questions to ask your doctor as you’re considering a TAVR procedure.


Find frequently asked questions, helpful checklists, informational brochures, and other resources to help you navigate your diagnosis and next steps.


As with any medical device, there are risks associated with use of the SENTINEL Cerebral Protection System. These risks include but are not limited to: infection, blood vessel injury, stroke, death.

Issues specific to the use of the SENTINEL have been reported in a small number of patients and typically went away in 30 days. The use of SENTINEL during yourprocedure is solely at the discretion of your doctor.

1 Source: SENTINEL Clinical Trial


The information presented in this document by Boston Scientific India is for educational purposes only for patient/family member of the patient who is planning to be impl anted with Boston Scientific’s device based on the judgement of Healthcare professional and cannot be circulated further. Healthcare professional holds the responsibility to share the information as deemed appropriate with the patient/family member of the patient. The information should not be treated as comprehensive and does not intend to provide diagnosis, treatment or any medical advice. Responsibility for patient care resides with the healthcare professional on the basis of his or her professional licence, experience and knowledge of the patient. Healthcare professionals must rely on their judgment when deciding which treatments and procedures to use with patients. Individual results may vary and hence, it is advisable to consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical or heal th related diagnosis or treatment options.