Detachable coils

Solutions for FRAMING, FILLING and
FINISHING in Peripheral Embolization

Detachment Mechanism

Facilitates Ability to Retract and Reposition Before Detaching

detachement mechanism

Interlocking arms detachment mechanism

detachement mechanism

Controlled, Precise Delivery :

The coil is advanced and retracted before final placement in the vessel, providing the possibility to withdraw the coil prior to deployment.

Clear Visualization for Confirmed Detachment:

The difference in visualization between the bright platinum coil and the different material of the pusherwire is clear and easy to see under various imaging techniques, which aids in precise delivery of  Interlock.

Intuitive use:

The interlocking connection is a simple coupling that remains attached while inside the lumen of the catheter. Detachment of the coil requires no additional devices, simply a push outside of the catheter. 


A Coil For Every Case

Different Rigidity Levels and Sizes for different clinical needs.

Different coils to help achieving cross sectional occlusion:
  1. Framing coil to secure 1st coil into the target vessel and create scaffolding. Coil required is high radial force coil intended to create a cage and provide stable basket

  2. Filling coil for thrombus formation and complete occlusion:
    • fibered helical shape coil provides efficient filling.
    • different packing density obtained through variable softness profile.
  3. Soft Finishing coil for compacting last coil into the target vessel to prevent catheter kickback or coil migration.
Long-term Outcomes of Coil Packing for Visceral Aneurysms: Correlation between Packing density and incidence of coil compaction or recanalization. Taku Yasumoto et all. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2013, 24:1798-807. 


Dudeck, et al, Embolization of the Gastroduodenal Artery Before Selective Internal Radiotherapy:

A prospectively Randomized Trial Comparing Standard Pushable Coils with fibered Interlock Detachable Coils. CVIR, April 14, 2010.

  • 83,6% of cases (19 of 23) achieved complete occlusion with one Interlock Fibered IDC Occlusion Coil.
  • A shorter procedure time was observed for procedures utilizing detachable coils when compared to pushable coils.
  • No coil migration was observed in the detachable coil group, whereas one incidence of migration was observed in the pushable coil group

Product Matrix Overview

detachable coils ordering info

