Selective Yttrium-90 radioembolization of both anterior and posterior right branch in a case of right lobe multicentric HCC

TARE simulation

Simulation SPET
Right hepatic artery injection of 99mTc-MAA was perfomed to simulate Y90-spheres distribution.
An SPET confirmed a good concentration in the right lobe lesions with significant uptake of gallbladder.
AV shunts fraction to the lungs confirmed that the patient could be treated with Y90-RE.

Pet Ct Scan confirmed good results with complete uptake by the Y90-Spheres of HCC nodules without any gallbladder wall activities.
The torquability of the Direxion™ allows the physician to reposition the microcatheter without reinserting the guidewire minimizing radiocontaminated material during the procedure.
Dott. Maurizio Grosso – Chief of Interventional and Radiology department and Interventional Radiologist- Santa Croce e Carle Hospital – Cuneo
Dott. Alberto Balderi – Dott. Davide Sortino – Dott. Simone Bongiovanni – Interventional Radiologist – Santa Croce e Carle Hospital – Cuneo